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    Jeffrey Epstein


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    Jeffrey Epstein Empty Jeffrey Epstein

    Post by blondy28 Mon Jul 08, 2019 6:35 pm

    This guy is the worst of the worst.  When people learned the terms of his plea a few months ago, they began investigating to see if that plea deal was even legal.  Then it comes out that the disgusting pedophile has been arrested again and he's facing more charges.  Obviously as a billionaire hedge fund manager, there's probably no shortage of famous people he has dealt with, but nobody that I'm aware of filed a civil suit documenting the rapes committed by Epstein and Trump at one of Epstein's parties.  Then there's Trump's own words...that he likes Jeff, he's a fun guy who likes women on the young side.  In his previous trial he plead the 5th, but also a couple other amendments, so he's unlikely to give up anyone else, but I'd sell my first born if it turned out the Trump didn't assault these young girls right alongside Epstein.

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    Jeffrey Epstein Empty Re: Jeffrey Epstein

    Post by sharpy Mon Jul 08, 2019 11:02 pm

    Trump is as involved in this as any POS would be who's good friend happens to throw parties with 15 yr old girls. But nothing will happen - shit Epstein might even be pardoned by Heir Donald .. who's going to stop him? 
    Getting to be a Fanboy

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    Jeffrey Epstein Empty Re: Jeffrey Epstein

    Post by jaywit Tue Jul 09, 2019 11:07 am

    sharpy wrote:Trump is as involved in this as any POS would be who's good friend happens to throw parties with 15 yr old girls. But nothing will happen - shit Epstein might even be pardoned by Heir Donald .. who's going to stop him? 
    He's already giving the murderous Saudi prince a pardon, why not the raping Epstein?  

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    Jeffrey Epstein Empty Re: Jeffrey Epstein

    Post by blondy28 Tue Jul 09, 2019 11:38 pm

    OK, I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit this, but I've spent a shitload of time trying to learn as much as I can about Epstein's history and his prior sweetheart deal in Florida and the current charges.  In spite of perhaps viewing things through a liberal lens, I don't think I could ever be accused of not doing my homework.  When Lindsay Graham kept saying that Christopher Steele should be indicted after the owner of Fusion GPS testified behind closed doors to the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the Fusion GPS guy kept saying that he wished they would release the transcript because the GOP was misrepresenting the testimony, I read the transcript after Diane Feinstein (sp?) released it (and wouldn't you know it...Lindsay Graham stopped mentioning Steele, although he recently started making comments again).  After watching When They See Us about the Central Park 5, I saw many comments on-line where people still believed they were guilty, and Trump made those comments.  There were 2 documents that I had to read.  One was the response to motion to dismiss, which was prepared by the Assistant D.A., where she documented all the reasons why they were granting the motion.  Then there was a report based on an investigation by a former prosecutor (I think) and a former cop, and the purpose of that investigation was to counter the response to the motion, because they felt that the police and D.A.'s office had been unfairly maligned.  So with this Epstein thing, I wanted to get as much information that's "official" court I could wade through the shit show that's the media attention surrounding this.  Fox and the conservatives are harping on the fact that Bill Clinton had taken Epstein's private jet 26 times, and they refer to the "fact" that Trump banned Epstein from Mar-a-Lago for hitting on an underaged child of a Mar-A-Lago employee, and they also reference court documents that say Trump was not involved in the litigation.  I learned that nobody has been able to substantiate the claim that Trump banned Epstein from Mar-a-Lago.  (Why Trump would ban Epstein and not call the police is another question altogether, and may be the strongest indication that the banning never happened).  The claim originated in a book written by James Patterson, who was a neighbor of Epstein's in Florida, and he hated the guy, so he wrote a book about him.  The claims got into the "mainstream" when an attorney for the victims who had filed civil suits against Epstein and he repeated it.  In an interview the Attorney admitted that he had tried to substantiate the claim and had been unable to.  IMO, there's no there there.  Next item.  In court document for a 2011 lawsuit where Epstein was suing his former lawyers, Epstein wanted to get back what he called "the holy grail", which was basically his little black book.  In the court documents, Epstein said that the people in that book had nothing to do with the litigation at hand, and it specifically references Trump.  The right is trying to spin that to mean that Epstein was saying Trump had nothing to do with his criminal activities, but given that the court documents where Epstein says it has nothing to do with Trump were the documents from the lawsuit that Epstein filed, not in response to criminal or civil action against Epstein, then the comment doesn't mean what the right is suggesting it means.  Trump was in "the holy grail" 19 times (19 different phone numbers to reach him), so Trump's claims in the last few days that he barely knew him are false.

    There were A LOT of people whose names were in "the holy grail", including Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew, Barbara Walters, Liz Hurley, Angie Everhart, Rupert Murdoch, Mick Jagger, Alec Baldwin, Sarah Ferguson, Michael Bloomberg, Mike Wallace, etc. etc. etc.  

    Another claim by the right is that even though Clinton, and pretty much everyone (except Prince Andrew) cut ties with Epstein after his first arrest/plea deal, Clinton remained friendly with a woman who worked for Epstein and the Clintons even invited her to Chelsea's wedding.  The woman is said to have recruited young girls for Epstein, and she had pictures of naked young girls on her computer and on disks.  There's no evidence that the Clintons had any knowledge of that, so the continued relationship with that women doesn't really prove anything.

    There are several things about Clinton that became public by The Enquirer.  None of those things say that Clinton 1) knew about Epstein's criminal activities, or 2) Participated in those activities.  This is also where the statement in the court documents saying that Trump has nothing to do with this was published.  Knowing what we do about The Enquirer and how Trump had them on their payroll so that they wouldn't do negative stories about him, anything that was exposed by them should be considered suspect.  

    So this is how my liberal lens sees this.  Although the public information on Clinton's relationship with Epstein is being spun to suggest that Clinton knew about Epstein's illegal activities and/or he participated, I haven't read/heard anything that even remotely substantiates that.  There is nothing in court documents for any of the civil (with one exception) or criminal cases that suggest Trump participated in Epstein's illegal activities.  Neither Trump nor Hillary Clinton attempted to use their histories with Epstein against the other, which suggests that even though their hands might be clean, both candidates knew this skeleton was best left in both their closets.

    And finally, I believed the civil suit that was filed in 2016  by "Jane Doe" detailing the rape and sexual assault of a girl when she was 13 or 14 by both Trump and Epstein, and I believe it even more now.  The suit had two witnesses, one ("Tiffany Doe") who was an employee of Epstein's and her job was to recruit young girls for Epstein's "parties".  There was another witness ("Joan Doe") to the claims made by Jane Doe.  Everything I've read about the indictment describes the rapes and assaults EXACTLY as Jane Doe described them in her civil suit, right down to the fact that Epstein had his employees recruit girls for him, and in the civil suit accusing Trump and Epstein of rape, Tiffany Doe says that was her job.  In 2016, I don't believe any of the details of these "orgies" had been made public, so Jane Doe couldn't have fabricated what was in her suit and been dead on to what we now know.

    Summary:  I believe Trump and Epstein raped Jane Doe.  I don't know if Trump was involved with any other rapes...I've seen nothing saying he was.  Based on what we know about Clinton, I'd say that there's nothing that we know currently that indicates that he participated in the rapes or knew about them.  I would not be surprised if Clinton knew (or suspected) about Epstein's illegal activities.  I would be surprised if Clinton participated.  Clinton's been a womanizer, but he has no history that we know of where he had an affinity for pre-pubescent girls.  Prince Andrew may be the one who may have participated and/or knew about Epstein's activities.  He was also one of the few who didn't cut ties with him after the first arrest.  

    I'm too tired to proof this, so apologies for typos or nonsensical sentences.

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    Jeffrey Epstein Empty Re: Jeffrey Epstein

    Post by alohafri Wed Jul 10, 2019 8:13 pm

    Meanwhile, at one of Trump's golf courses, there is a tournament going on this week where you can bid on the "services" of strippers as caddies. I guess they are going to be holding the balls.

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    Jeffrey Epstein Empty Re: Jeffrey Epstein

    Post by blondy28 Wed Jul 10, 2019 8:22 pm

    Read this morning that Acosta cut the budget to fight sex trafficking by 80%.  That ought to tell you that these rich entitled fucks think they own children and they can do with them whatever they choose.  I guess that's the difference between the left-wing elite and the right-wing elite.  The left-wing elite eat arugula salads.  The right-wing elite are sex traffickers.  

    When my son Jake was a college freshman and he was in a program called the Gap Experience, where kids traveled and learned about leadership and social issues.  Jake said one of the most difficult days they had was when they were in Chicago for 3 weeks, and they went to a facility that taught them how to identify children who were part of a sex trafficking ring.  The students were so emotionally drained, and more than any other unit in the program, they felt totally helpless.  Says a lot given that they spent a month in an impoverished area of Guatemala, yet the sex trafficking lesson just leveled the students.

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    Jeffrey Epstein Empty Re: Jeffrey Epstein

    Post by alohafri Sat Aug 10, 2019 9:00 am

    An accused pedophile with information on hundreds of powerful people using his "services" attempts suicide in prison one week and is not put on 24-hour guard and is able to later successfully commit suicide? I'm no conspiracy theorist, but something is rotten in Denmark.
    Getting to be a Fanboy

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    Jeffrey Epstein Empty Re: Jeffrey Epstein

    Post by jaywit Sat Aug 10, 2019 1:02 pm

    alohafri wrote:An accused pedophile with information on hundreds of powerful people using his "services" attempts suicide in prison one week and is not put on 24-hour guard and is able to later successfully commit suicide? I'm no conspiracy theorist, but something is rotten in Denmark.

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    Jeffrey Epstein Empty Re: Jeffrey Epstein

    Post by SoxIlliniRob Sat Aug 10, 2019 3:25 pm

    Funny. Rosebowl just gave me a huge raft of shit for suggesting this on FB.  A guy on suicide watch has access to a rope?  I tend to consider myself about a 2 out of ten on the scale of conspiracy theorist wackos, but come on.  this one is ridiculous.  Lot of people in VERY high places being linked to Epstein and rumored to have partaken in a dip in the kiddie pool.   Can you imagine if he were to sing?  Lots of people like Bill Clinton, Trump, and Dershowitz tied to Epstein.  Someone presumably handed him a rope and said do it yourself or see what happens to your family if you don't.

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    Jeffrey Epstein Empty Re: Jeffrey Epstein

    Post by blondy28 Sat Aug 10, 2019 4:18 pm

    SoxIlliniRob wrote:Funny. Rosebowl just gave me a huge raft of shit for suggesting this on FB.  A guy on suicide watch has access to a rope?  I tend to consider myself about a 2 out of ten on the scale of conspiracy theorist wackos, but come on.  this one is ridiculous.  Lot of people in VERY high places being linked to Epstein and rumored to have partaken in a dip in the kiddie pool.   Can you imagine if he were to sing?  Lots of people like Bill Clinton, Trump, and Dershowitz tied to Epstein.  Someone presumably handed him a rope and said do it yourself or see what happens to your family if you don't.

    What information does Epstein have that the victims don't?  When he was arrested and the judge denied bail, I predicted Epstein would kill himself...and not necessarily because he'd be in prison for the rest of his life, but because what we know about his depravity is probably just the tip of the iceberg.  Why would he sit through that only to go to prison forever?  Of course, he could avoid that by pleading guilty, but seems like the information from the investigation would come out with a FOIA request.  The extent of my conspiracy theory is that perhaps the guards turned their backs and let it happen.

    In the documents released, Dershowitz was named as someone who was set up with minors, as was former Governor Bill Richardson.  If they have that information without Epstein, I would imagine they could get it from the cooperating victims, and certainly Epstein's girlfriend.

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    Jeffrey Epstein Empty Re: Jeffrey Epstein

    Post by sharpy Sat Aug 10, 2019 5:21 pm

    He could very well been Frank petangelo''d in prison, but come on - even if squealed like a stuck pig about Trump, Clinton, les Wexner, etc, do you really believe ANYTHING would have happened to any of them?  Sure the victims can tell everything, and its their word against the accused - and are any of Trump's followers going to believe her over the myriad of other women who cam out already?  And what happened to them when the others ratted him out - he was elected president.   So if they had him killed - or if he killed himself, I don't give a shit. One less piece of shit in this world and the today, the world is a little better place.   Now, if only that bitch who worked as his pimp would off herself, life would be even better.
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    Jeffrey Epstein Empty Re: Jeffrey Epstein

    Post by cream919 Sat Aug 10, 2019 11:48 pm

    As usual I agree with Sharpy. Fuck Epstein...I hope he swung from the rope for a few minutes before he actually passed through the gates of hell. On another thing...fat-assed Pres is blaming Clinton. Imagine that! LMAO

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    Jeffrey Epstein Empty Re: Jeffrey Epstein

    Post by alohafri Mon Aug 12, 2019 9:14 am

    SoxIlliniRob wrote:Funny. Rosebowl just gave me a huge raft of shit for suggesting this on FB.  A guy on suicide watch has access to a rope?  I tend to consider myself about a 2 out of ten on the scale of conspiracy theorist wackos, but come on.  this one is ridiculous.  Lot of people in VERY high places being linked to Epstein and rumored to have partaken in a dip in the kiddie pool.   Can you imagine if he were to sing?  Lots of people like Bill Clinton, Trump, and Dershowitz tied to Epstein.  Someone presumably handed him a rope and said do it yourself or see what happens to your family if you don't.

    Dershowitz and his wife have a very good sex life, dammit!

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    Jeffrey Epstein Empty Re: Jeffrey Epstein

    Post by blondy28 Mon Aug 12, 2019 4:09 pm

    cream919 wrote:As usual I agree with Sharpy. Fuck Epstein...I hope he swung from the rope for a few minutes before he actually passed through the gates of hell. On another thing...fat-assed Pres is blaming Clinton. Imagine that! LMAO

    I would have thought he hung himself, since there was a report a week or two ago about him having marks on his neck, but the early comments on the autopsy make me wonder.  Investigators are waiting for additional information before they release the findings?  Epstein's attorney had a private pathologist observe the autopsy?  This is some crazy shit.

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    Jeffrey Epstein Empty Re: Jeffrey Epstein

    Post by alohafri Wed Aug 14, 2019 7:05 am

    I think we are going to find that this was a case of careless guards.
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    Jeffrey Epstein Empty Re: Jeffrey Epstein

    Post by cream919 Wed Aug 14, 2019 10:41 pm

    Yep...I think the guards allowed Hillary into the cell upon which she karate chopped Epstein in the throat, hence disabling him, and then fashioned a makeshift noose around his neck and proceeded to make it look like suicide as Bill looked on. The guards could care less about being accused of carelessness and neglect...Bill funneled half a million bucks into each of their respective bank accounts.

    There you have it.  It's as plain as the nose on your face. You people just don't want to accept accept the truth.

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    Jeffrey Epstein Empty Re: Jeffrey Epstein

    Post by alohafri Thu Aug 15, 2019 6:47 am

    And raise your hand if you are surprised to find out that Woody Allen hung out with Epstein.

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